About Us

In 2008, we examined the drug management system devices in the world market. In order to meet the needs in our country and in the world, we established our R&D team in 2010 and decided to implement the project in our country. We realized our first fully domestic production in 2014 with the brand “PHARMED” for the system including electronics, mechanics and software. Our R&D team, affiliated with AGENA A.Ş., developed the system in line with the criticism and suggestions received from the market and put it into the service of our country’s hospitals in 2015.


AGENA A.Ş. Depending on the understanding of quality management; It has domestic goods certificate, CE certificate certificate, technological product experience certificate and TSE after-sales and service place qualification certificates. AGENA A.S. It continues to serve the sector with its expert R&D team, production and technical service team, as well as a strong sales and marketing network.

Our Mission is

To add value to human life and quality of life by being a permanent brand that offers high quality products to the market with the best service by following the technology closely.

Our Vision is

To be a well-known and preferred brand in the world by improving the existing product range and maintaining the sector leadership in service quality and providing endless customer satisfaction. We care about the value of our brand, the benefit of society, strategic thinking and appropriate information sharing.